Expand Your Aluminum Trench Box Uses with Accessories

Aluminum trench boxes are absolutely critical to keeping workers safe. When it comes to the possibility of trench cave-ins and similar dangers, we understand that our products are absolutely critical to preventing danger. For that reason, we sell all of our units so they’re built to last through thick and thin. That being said, we also understand that not everyone’s trench shoring needs are the same. To account for the many different needs that our customers may have, our team at Aluminum Trench Box have designed a wide variety of accessories that can give every trench box owner the tools they need to customize their experience to the fullest.
Stacking Kits and Trench Box Spreaders
If you’re looking for a larger area of impact from your trench boxes, then we recommend purchasing a lightweight aluminum trench box stacking kit and our trench box spreaders. As the name suggests, stacking kits allow you to safely stack two aluminum trench boxes, effectively doubling the height at which the trench boxes can be used. For those who are concerned more with the width of the trench, however, we recommend the aforementioned trench box spreaders, which can be used to enhance the width of each trench. When you purchases these accessories for your trench boxes, you’re giving your workers a greater and more comfortable space to work within.
Leg Kits for More Legroom
Our aluminum trench box leg kits are the premier choice for projects that require workers to operate beneath a trench box. Lightweight yet reliable, these leg kits are specially designed to support the weight of aluminum trench boxes without posing an obstacle for your workers operating around them. We should also mention these leg kits allow for an extra two feet of working room, making a significant difference in the spaciousness of each trench box using one.
Are you interested in optimizing the experience and productivity of you and your workers in the trenches? If so, no one has the resources and know-how quite like the folks here at Aluminum Trench Box. For safe, reliable trench box accessories, contact us today. Or, if you’d like to view all accessories we have for both trench boxes and buildable panel boxes, click here to view the many different resources we offer.